Our Event

Capture’s Customer Event

Thanks to everyone who has already registered for our upcoming Annual in person Customer Event on 17th September 2024 at The British Library in London.

We still have some places left, so please use the registration link below if you would like to attend. We look forward to seeing you there!

We will be hosting lunch afterwards for those that can make it from around 1.30pm at The Betjeman Arms, Euston Road, London, N1C 4QL


Tuesday 17th September 2024
9:00AM BST


The Bronte Room, Knowledge Centre*, British Library, 96 Euston Road, London, NW1 2DB


1.30pm at The Betjeman Arms, Euston Road, London, N1C 4QL

In order to reserve your place, and that of any colleagues, please click the button above to e-mail us with your Title, Name(s), Company, Job Title, and any dietary restrictions that might apply.


09:00 Registration open
09:30 Introduction to the day
09:45 Asset Explorer demonstration and feedback session
10:15 Roadmap Update
10:45 Break
11:00 Why great SEO matters – Simon Schnieders, Founder at Blue Array
11:45 Navigating Digital Accessibility: European Accessibility Act & Key UK Regulations – William Bunch, Head of Accessibility at Zoonou
12.30 Capture Customer Success Team update
13:00 End
13:30 Networking Lunch (The Betjeman Arms)

*The Knowledge Centre is located on the main forecourt outside the main British Library building.

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