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What will you learn from this?

Paul Seheult is the CEO of PICSEL (the Picture Industry collecting Society for Effective Licensing). PICSEL is a not-for-profit visual arts collecting society, who ensure you get fair renumeration when your work is copied, where direct licensing is not practical.

Monetise your visual media

Rights & Licensing

What are secondary rights, why do they matter, and when they should matter to you.

Also, what are Blanket Licenses, what are they for and when do they apply?

Monetise your visual media


How do you keep track of this data and keep a record of these kinds of licenses?

You have to claim for this revenue, so what data do you need and how can you keep track of it?

Monetise your visual media


Why should you get involved in claiming post-licensing revenue?

This is a new revenue stream and could be a transformational moment for your business.


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